HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant: The Ultimate Guide


HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant The Ultimate Guide

HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant The Ultimate Guide

HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant: The Ultimate Guide


When it comes to maintaining a sparkling clean pool or spa, many products on the market can help. HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant is one of the most popular and effective. But what is flocculant, and how does it work? In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant, including what it is, how it works, and how to use it.

How does HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant work?

The active ingredient in HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant is aluminum sulfate, a common ingredient in many water treatment products. When added to your pool or spa, the flocculant causes small particles such as algae, dirt, and debris to clump together into larger particles, which are easier to remove through filtration or vacuuming. This results in clearer, cleaner water.

How to use HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant

Using HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant is easy. First, make sure your pool or spa’s pH level is between 7.2 and 7.8, and the chlorine level is below 5 ppm. Then, add the recommended amount of flocculant directly to the pool or spa. Run the filter continuously for at least 24 hours for best results, then vacuum up any remaining particles. Your water should now be crystal-clear.

Tips for Using HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant

If you own a swimming pool, you already know the importance of maintaining its cleanliness and clarity. Pools are a great source of fun, but they also require maintenance to keep them safe and appealing. One of the most important pool maintenance tasks is using a flocculant. A flocculant is a chemical that helps to clear cloudy water by making suspended particles clump together and sink to the bottom of the pool. HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant is popular for pool owners. This article will discuss tips for using HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant effectively.

Understanding Flocculants

Before we dive into the tips, it’s essential to understand how flocculants work. Flocculants contain positively charged particles that attract negatively charged particles in the water, such as algae, dirt, and other debris. The particles clump together, forming larger and heavier particles that sink to the bottom of the pool. The result is clear and sparkling water.

Choose the Right Time to Use Flocculant

One of the most important tips for using HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant is to choose the right time to use it. Using a flocculant when the pool is not in use is best, and you can leave it overnight to settle. A flocculant on a sunny day is recommended when the water temperature is high, and the chlorine level is low. Using flocculant during colder temperatures can cause it to be less effective.

Check pH Levels and Chlorine Levels

Before using HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant, it’s essential to check the pool water’s pH and chlorine levels. The pH level should be between 7.2 and 7.8, and the chlorine level should be between 1 and 3 parts per million (ppm). The flocculant won’t work correctly if the pH level is too high or too low. Similarly, if the chlorine level is too high, it can reduce the effectiveness of the flocculant.

Use the Recommended Amount

The correct amount of HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant is crucial for achieving the desired results. The recommended amount of flocculant to use depends on the pool size. Typically, one quart of HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant is suitable for up to 20,000 gallons of water. Using more than the recommended amount won’t make the water clearer but will increase the risk of damaging the pool’s filter.

Run the Pool Pump and Filter

After adding HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant, running the pool pump and filtering continuously for at least 8-12 hours is essential. The flocculant needs time to work, and running the pool pump and filter will help circulate the water and distribute the chemical evenly. It’s also recommended to backwash the filter after the flocculant has settled to remove any accumulated debris.

Vacuum the Pool

Once the flocculant has settled and the water has cleared, it’s time to vacuum the pool. Vacuuming removes any debris that has settled on the bottom of the pool. It’s recommended to clean the pool slowly, moving in straight lines to ensure that all debris is removed.

Maintain the Pool

After using HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant, it’s important to maintain the pool regularly. This includes checking and adjusting the pH and chlorine levels, brushing the walls and floor of the pool, and skimming the water’s surface to remove any debris. Regular maintenance will keep your collection sparkling and safe for swimming.

Store Flocculant Properly

Storing flocculant properly is crucial for maintaining its effectiveness. It’s recommended to store HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Keep the flocculant away from other pool chemicals and out of reach of children and pets.

Use Safety Precautions

When using HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant, taking safety precautions is essential. Wear protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, to avoid contact with the chemical. Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, and keep the flocculant away from children and pets.

Consider Hiring a Professional

If you’re not confident using HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant or maintaining your pool, consider hiring a professional pool service. They can take care of all aspects of pool maintenance, including using flocculants and ensuring that your pool is always clean and safe to use.


HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant is an effective and easy-to-use product that can transform your pool or spa water from cloudy and green to crystal-clear blue in just 24 hours. Following the instructions carefully and taking safety precautions, you can enjoy sparkling clean water all season.

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Is HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant safe for all pools and spas?

Yes, HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant is safe for use in all pools and spas, including vinyl, fiberglass, or plaster surfaces.

Can I use HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant in saltwater pools?

HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant is safe in saltwater pools.

How often should I use HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant?

Using HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant is recommended once a season or as needed if your water becomes cloudy or green.

Can I swim in my pool or spa after using HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant?

Yes, it’s safe to swim in your pool or spa after using HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant. Just make sure to follow the recommended wait time on the package before jumping in.

What should I do if my water doesn’t clear after using HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant?

If your water doesn’t clear up after using HTH Super Green to Blue II Flocculant, it may indicate a more serious problem. Check your pool or spa’s filter, pH, and chlorine levels, and consider consulting a professional pool service for further assistance.

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